Monday, July 14, 2008

Frenchy's Restaurant, Milwaukee

From Ford Times Cookbook, Volume 5, a listing for Frenchy's, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 1901 East North Avenue, describes a rather swank French and American restaurant, reservations required, owned by Paul LaPointe. It says they serve game in season. The illustration shows formally dressed diners in a dark paneled interior with red glass chandeliers. The waitresses are wearing French maid uniforms, short skirts, with big white bows on the back.

Now at that location is Beans & Barley, one of Milwaukee's most popular eating spots and meeting place. There is also a deli and natural foods grocery. Reservations are not necessary, maybe not even possible, but at peak breakfast, lunch, and dinner times expect to wait. I'm not sure what year Frenchy's closed and Beans & Barley opened, or if there was something different there in-between, but at one point early in B & B's history a fire almost completely destroyed the building. When it was rebuilt it bore little resemblance to the old structure. It's now modern, open, and airy, and quite comfortable as a dining spot. Diners and wait staff dress casually, and you're not likely to see a French maid uniform except on Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Paul La Pointe was my father, and I spen many a fine night at Frenchy's and the Bulldog Pub below. If you would like a flavor of what it was like, Google on "Red Feather" and "Cafe Society". You will pick up a rare recording of the Red Feather Trio (and some other famous jazz muscicians of the 40's) who used to play at Frenchy's. It will gaive you a feel for the place.

The fire happened long after my father had sold the restaurant to some doctors whothought it would be a nice hobby to own a restaurant. They ran it into the ground in a few short years. Too bad.

Paul La Pointe

Anonymous said...

Reggie modestly fails to mention that Frenchy's was the finest and probably most expensive restaurant in Milwaukee when his dad owned it. Mr. LaPointe used to work the dining room, greeting friends and classmates of his children.

I thought the Bulldog Pub came later, perhaps after the family sold the original restaurant, but that's a long time ago.

Mike MUS '70

millman26 said...

Paul La point was my great grandfather.All I know about him is that He was able to turn his back on his daughter Margo and his grandchildren Not a very nice guy.Where were the La Points when my mother and aunt were sent to the orphanage ? Eating some fine french cuisine with his snobby friends?

millman26 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I just found, in an old box of memories, a complete menu from Frenchy's dating from 1958 or 1959! Brings back memories of fine dining. African Hippopotamus @$8.75or Deep South Raccon @6.25 or a Filet Mignon Louis XV @$6.75 among a zillion other entrees!

Grandma Dori said...

Wow! This brings back great memories. I was a live-in babysitter for Reggie and Paulette one summer when I was about 15 yrs old. The family was fantastic to me. Paulette was 4 yrs old and Reggie was 18 months old. It would be great to visit with them again.
Dori (Meyer) Hertzberg

Anonymous said...


Although my memory is good, it was about 55 years ago or so that I was 18 months old, and I don't remember much from that time. I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me at For millman26, who must be one of Margot's grandchildren, there is more to this story than you have heard.

Reggie aka Paul R. La Pointe

emily davis said...

My parents grew up in Milwaukee. They always talk about their favorite restaurant Frenchy's! They say that there has never been another place like it! They used to go when they were a young couple and first married. They have their 50th anniversary in August. Do you think it would be possible to send a copy of the menu or copies of any pictures you have of the restaurant. It would bring back so many memories for them.

Anonymous said...

I used to work for Town Meats, a purveyor, when I was in high school back between 1966-1971. I delivered to Frenchy's and knew Paul LaPointe a little bit. One time when I was delivering some meat into the walkin cooler there was an entire zebra and a male lion (maine and all) hanging in the cooler. I have told lots of my buddies about this and they all say I'm crazy. I would really appreciate it if anyone could post or send me an old menu so I could prove to my buddies that they really did serve those types of entries on their menu.

dadlivonia said...

I ate at Frenchy's nearly 40 years ago and all I remember is that the food and service was great and he had the best scotch collection I have ever encountered in any restaurant in America. I have thought about it many times over the years. The manager gave a 24 year old a lesson in fine whisky that I never forgot.

Judson said...

After reading your blog, i think that mliwaukee is most popular eating spots and most beautiful meeting place and there is also a deli and natural foods grocery.

Milwaukee SEO Company

Unknown said...

I never had the opportunity to dine at Frenchy's, however, my grandfather, John Riegler (sr.), was the chef, for many years, and my father, also John Riegler (jr.), also spent time cooking in the kitchen. I have very limited knowledge of the establishment, other than a menu and matchbook, and I would very much like to connect with those who have history with the restaurant, and would like to share their stories. Please contact me, I would love to hear from you -

Anonymous said...

I am fascinated by these Posts. I have had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Paul Lapointe, (Gladys). She is so sweet and kind and at almost 100 (97) I am amazed at her youthfulness.

I have heard her story over the last few days, and looked up Frenchy's and all of your blog's just added to the history.

Gladys says hello to all her friends out there and hopes to come home soon.


Anonymous said...

Frenchy's was my favorite restaurant. The food and presentation were wonderful. On a weekend the wait was long, but worth it. I've always wanted the recipe for the antipasta (tomato base with seafood, olives, mushrooms, etc) from the appetizer cart. Is there a place to find some of Frenchy's recipes?

Anonymous said...

Great post! I think I remember my folks talking about this place.

To the guy asking about a menu...after reading this post I ran across someone on ebay selling a Frenchy's menu. It super expensive but on the images, they show wild African Lion as one of the items. The prices are crazy!

Anonymous said...

My uncle, Carl Ziegler, was also a chef at Frenchy's. I remember his picture being take with a lion. He and my aunt took my parents and me to Frenchy's to eat-must have been around 1958. I have never seen a restaurant since then as lovely as it was. I am sorry it is gone.

Anonymous said...

To the person whose uncle was Carl Ziegler, man could he cook! One of the things he used to make for us was his own special recipe for fried chicken. It wasn't on the menu, just something he'd whip up for my dad (Paul La Pointe/Frenchy). Carl would make up a batch for Sunday and we'd eat it while watching the Packers' game on TV.

Paul La Pointe

Anonymous said...

While a student at Marqueette Univ. in 1953/54, my parents and I dined at Frenchy's. I loved the frog legs. Were we in a cubby all our own? And one waiter constantly seeing to our every wish? I still have my giant Frency's match book... all 11 matches unused. "AAA" & "Recommended by Duncan Hines." On the inside: Gourmet... PHEASANT, SWORDFISH, Maine LOBSTER, FROG LEGS, BAKED POMPANO EN PAPILLOTTE, COQUILLES SAINT JACQUES, BROOK TROUT, RED SNAPPER, SAUTEED ABALONE STEAK, TOURNEDOS OF BEEF EN BROCHETTE, WILD GAME DINNERS IN SEASON. A excellent place still remembered by an Iowa gal.

Paul La Pointe said...

I've got many, many pictures of Frenchy's, the Bulldog Pub,the Fleur de Lis, the Pink Pig and East Town, and my father's last restaurant, Paul's Small Cafe that I would love to post. I am not sure how to do so on thispage, but maybe I can put them on another site and post the link. Stay tuned...

I'll post a couple of recipes as well.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. La Pointe, Twinkie (aka Gladys) was my father's first cousin, Charles Werner. He was from Milwaukee but moved to Atlanta in 1938. He kept our summer home at Elkhart Lake and we would come up every summer and of course would go to Frenchy's when we came into Milwaukee to see my cousin's Reggie and Paulette. I was always in "awe" when I walked into the door of Frenchy's. It is a place you can never forget.
Patsy Werner Sutton

Denise said...

So happy I found this blog. I was a waitress at Frenchys from 1970 (when I turned 21) to 1973 (when I married and moved out of state) I started out in the Bull Dog Pub and was the only waitress Frenchy promoted after 6 months to the upstairs dining room. That was a great honor. The staff was very long term. Waitresses rarely left. Training was extensive since we prepared Ceasar Salads at the table, pepper steak flambee, bananas flambee, crepes suzette and many more items. The job was considered the best in food service in Milwaukee. We made VERY good money at the time. On any given day my regular request clients would be on the reservation book and when I married several of them sent me Waterford Crystal, Silver service and other lovely gifts I treasure to this day. They were classy people for sure that appreciated attentive service.

Frenchy was a very kind man to work for. When he heard I never was at a professional football game he allowed me select from his season tickets for me and my fiancee to attend. He also came to the Alpine Village for our wedding.
Over the years I worked there many celebrities and sport stars were in the restaurant and I frequently had the opportunity to take care of them. The opera boxes were the most popular tables in the restaurant.

I have such fond memories of the years I worked there! I also have a menu in my possession.

I went on to becoming an RN and have recently retired and live with my husband at The Villages FL.
I can be reached at


Joseph said...

Great Thread,I played at the Bulldog Pub in August, 1972. It was "THE" place to be. Paul was the most gracious and classiest owner that I ever worked for. We were a last minute substitute for the previously booked band who broke up the night before.
We got a call from our agent around 3:30PM informing us of the gig. We were a band from Chicago and by the time we rounded everyone up (there were no cell phones in 1972)we headed up the Interstate. Our agent told us that the owner was expecting us to be late, so be safe and get there in one piece.
As soon as we pulled up, Paul greeted us in the parking lot and reassured us to take our time, no big deal. After we got set up, we were ready to start and he called us over to a table and ordered a round of drinks for us. We chatted for about 15 mins before we went up to play and he took orders for food because he knew that we didn't have time to stop and eat. After our first set, our food was served and we chatted a little longer.
Since we were a rock band, we didn't have "uniforms" so Paul gave us an extra $500 to buy some outfits. He also gave us a raise so we could get a hotel in Milwaukee, instead of commuting back and forth to Chicago, even though it was only 90 mins.
Well, we got some very hip threads for the money and had several looks. At the end of the week, after having packed the place, he told us that he wanted to book us for Christmas and New Years weeks, the busiest weeks of the year.
Unfortunately, the band didn't last that long, but we will never forget the kindness and hospitality of Mr. Paul La Pointe.

The name of the band was North Street. And 3 of us are still in touch some 40 years later, even though we live in different cities, we often reminisce about our week at Frenchy's Bulldog Pub.

Joe Parisi - Philadelphia, PA

Anonymous said...

I ate at Frenchy's with my father in the 60's. Priests from Marquette were there. My father traveled that area to sell dresses to local boutiques. He was a great salesman & gourment. I ate roast duck. Back then they served the whole duck & I ate all of it. Great meal

Anonymous said...

During my four years of college at UWM, I was a busboy at the old place, and then later bartender at both Frenchy's ( upstairs ) and the lower level Bull Dog Pub. I learned as much working for Frenchy as anyone I've ever worked for. The years were 1967-1972.I just retired after 40 plus years of selling Truck-Trailers, and I stil think of that place often. Yes, the food was that good, but more importantly, the place was fun, and it absolutely was the place to be -- period !
Hope someone posts some more pictures,it'd be fun.

Anonymous said...

Around the years of mid-fifties, my Parent's often dined at this elegant Restaurant. I remember my Mother would dress up in her most beautiful outfits and her best jewelry. I thought she was a princess. Occasionally, my Parents would take my Brother and Me along to celebrate special occasions. I must have been 10 years old when my Mom had her 40th birthday. Since my Dad was well known at this place, the red carpet was rolled out and nothing was too good for our family. What a memorial event! It seemed that many of the patrons were acquainted with my parents, and they all wanted to buy my Mother a drink. By the end of the evening, Mom was under the table
and had to be helped to the car. I had never seen her in her cups, so I was shocked. The restaurant itself was so fabulous, and I was treated like a little princess. I was given my first Shirley Temple, and the owners came over to make much to do about what a little lady I was. I did feel like a celebrity, my 15 minutes of fame. I still have my Father's metal charge card, Preferred Credit at the top with a fleur de les followed by a very fancy Frenchy's beneath. A small Milwuakee under that and then-- For Carl G. Crantz, probably one of the first type of credit cards that has gotten us in trouble many a time. Thank you for bringing back a truly memorial experience. Cynthia Crantz Walker

Paul La Pointe said...

22It's October 19th, 2012. It would have been my father's 104th birthday on Oct. 17th. It is truly wonderful to read all of the posts that I had not seen before describing working at the restaurant or eating there. It truly was a fun place with good food and entertainment. I think what made it work is that my father, Paul La Pointe ("Frenchy"), really loved what he did, and so he put his heart and soul into the place. It is probably true with anything that you do in life; if you love what you are doing, everyone enjoys being around you and being part of what it is that you do.

I have a few of the old recipes. One that many people enjoyed was the antipasto recipe. I'll post that soon.

Paul La Pointe

Denise said...

Paul, Good to see you post. I also have some great photos I would like to share. If you email me I can send them or I like the thought of finding a site where we can share them.


Nancy-Boehlein-Boutilier said...

I, too, was fortunate to have dined at the fabulous Frechy's with my former husband and many times his clients and our friends. I had my first "Pimm's cup" drink which was a unique drink and there were had different recipes and tastes. I recently acquired one of the fabulous mirrors which hung in the restaurant. We placed it above the fireplace and it makes a statement as people enter the room and I proudly tell them where it originally came from. To be clear, we purchased the mirror from another restaurantur who had purchased it when Franchy's closed. It is a treasure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,
I am sure you don't remember me but we were 3rd grade classmates in Mrs. Albrecht's classroom at MUS. My mom, Helga Ljubic (now Smith) was a waitress at Frenchy's for years. To this day she blames having to carry those heavy trays up and down the stairs for her back problems.
But as someone else noted, waitresses earned well and in my mom's case, enough to allow me to sit in the same classroom with her boss's son.
Anyway, I am glad I came across this blog and just wanted today Hi.

Peter Ljubic

Dennis said...

Speaking of the lion -
The process was, Frenchy had a standing order for a certain number of lions every year. They were shipped when they became available, and you never knew when that would be. They arrived whole, probably gutted, but with hide and head intact and were butchered on site. The animals were stored frozen in a downstairs cooler.
So, the joke was always to send a 'new guy' busboy down to the cooler for something and watch the reaction.
So, sure enough one year it was my turn, and they had the lion set up on a saw horse facing the door. So they sent me down there to get some butter,and I opened the door to the unlit freezer and there staring at me is a lion !!
I let outa pretty good gulp, and then slammed the door as fast as I could.
It got a laugh!

Anonymous said...

Peter Ljubic


Good to hear from you after all these years! I remember football in grade school, when Jeff Herbon was the team captain, I was the quarterback, and you were the star running back. We used to feed you the ball on about every other play, and you blasted through the lines. If you, or anyone else, would like to contact me about Frenchy's or the Bulldog Pub, please email me at

Nancy, I am glad that you have one of the mirrors. I have one too, and it hangs on the wall over my piano in the living room (also glad to hear that you came by it legally!).

Anyone know a former Bulldog bartender by the name of Hank DeWitt? I ran into him a few years ago down in Texas. He bartended at the Bulldog in the mid-70's. I know he'd enjoy hearing from anyone he might have worked with.

Paul La Pointe

Tim said...

Tim said....I knew about Frenchy's while still in high school in Milwaukee, by reputation for exotic meats, swanky uniforms, and a location I passed by several times a week while at UW-M.

In 1966,I was on the Homecoming Court and the eight of us dined at Frenchy's after the ceremonies that Saturday in November. Needless to say, we had a ball, and YES, they DID serve Lion, as three of us had it. Later on, when bartending on the Eastside, I met Mr. LaPointe, a fine fellow and gracious host. When I left Milwaukee, the North Avenue location had become Daydream Records and Tapes.

Unknown said...

I am Stacee McDermott second child of James and Helen McDermott. I am pretty sure my Dad worked for your Dad as his chef at the Fleur de Lis and then at Frenchy's back in the late fifties and early sixties. My Dad left your Dad's employ to open his own restaurant in the early sixties called The Elbow Room. It was on Front street. When that ended my Dad became the manager at North Shore Country Club. We left Wisconsin in 1968. We moved to Springfield Missouri where my Dad managed Twin Oaks Country Club. Your Dad helped my parents with the down payment on the house they bought here in Springfield. I know my Dad always valued the friendship he had with your Dad...He was a really special guy.


Paul La Pointe said...

6782 raenothStacee,

I do remember a chef named Jim, and I am guessing that this was your dad. I don't recall if he worked at the Fleur de Lis, as I was pretty young at that time, but I definitely remember a chef named Jim in the 60's at Frenchy's.

Thanks for posting; it is always a treat to hear from others who had a connection to one of my father's restaurants. They were special places.


Brenda Meister said...

I too worked at Frenchy's in the Bulldog Pub. I had never been a waitress before that and was thrilled that Mr. LaPointe hired me. I was dating a guy then that dared me to apply for the job. I have very fond memories and I too think that there will never be another restaurant like Frenchy's. I wish I could get the receipe for the cucumber sandwiches that they had at the bar upstairs. Oh, does anyone know Bob Stime. He was a friend of my husband, Bob Meister.

Paul La Pointe said...


I might be able to come up with the recipe for the cucumber sandwiches. Those were truly delicious! My father always used fresh-baked white bread, the sort of thing that Wonder Bread fantasized about being. I have an aunt who is in her 90's (my mother's younder sister)who has a lot of the old Frenchy's recipes, and I think she mentioned to me the last time we spoke that she had that recipe as well. I will check. Meanwhile, I will post a couple of recipes soon from the restuarant, including Duck Normandy, Shrimp Denise and the antipasto.

Dennis said...

Some names of those chefs I remembered, and all decent guys:
Clarence Nelson-head chef ?
John Reigler, another chef - 'Polish John', Jim Lawson, Carl Zeigler,Ed, and I seem to recall a George, no last names....

I will try to list some bartenders too....

AngelGirl said...

My Dad was Jim Lawson and worked as a chef at Frenchy's from the early 60's until the place closed. I have many happy memories of Frenchy's.
Wendy Lawson

Anonymous said...

Sure, Wendy, I remember your Dad. I remember he had a full head of hair but grey - white and spoke with a bit of a Southern accent.( St Louis, maybe ? ). Anyway, yeah nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Not sure if this thread is still active, but I'm so happy I came across it! I am a granddaughter of Margot's. I have little hosiery repair kit that looks like a matchbook that says Frenchy's on it. I'd really love to see some photos, especially of Frenchy himself and other family, as I don't have any. I know there is more to the story and don't harbor any ill feelings, just would like to hear the rest of the story. My email is thank you- Elyssa

Paul La Pointe said...

Next up: I will publish the recipe for Duck Normandy

Fred Kurtz said...

For my 18th birthday back in 1965, my parents asked where I would like to go for the birthday dinner. Frenchy's I said!

Milwaukee back then was known for many excellent restaurants but Frenchy's was by far the best!

My mother had the Normandy duck and was shocked that she got the entire duck. I think I had prime rib. It was a wonderful experience and I would give anything to have another dinner at the original Frenchy's.

In the late '70's I ate there again but by then it was under new management and it was not the same nor was the quality of the food.

Frenchy's catered to the elite and the atmosphere was totally unique. I have eaten in many, many restaurants over the years and nothing even comes close to the old Frenchy's!!

Fred Kurtz
LaCrosse, WI.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My mother told me that the following recipe for cucumber party sandwiches came from Frenchy'S. Not sure if it is true, but here it is:

Prepare cucumbers by partially peeling cucumber, leaving a few strips of peel. Remove seeds, chop pulp finely and drain by squeezing in a cheese cloth.

1 1/2 C of finley chopped cucumber
1/2 C chopped celery
1 small package (3 oz.) Cream cheese
1/2 C mayonnaise
1/2 t grated onion
1/4 t salt
1/8 t pepper
1 T chopped parsley
32 slices fresh white bread
Butter, softened

In mixing bowl combine and blend cucumber, celery, cream cheese, mayonnaise, onion, salt and pepper.

Butter one side of each bread slice, spread cucumber mix on half of the buttered slices. Cover with remaing bread slices, butter side facing cucumber mix. Cut into triangles and chill.

Ange said...

I am English and am just decluttering my old papers and souvenirs prior to moving home over here. I have just found a 1961 Frenchy's menu and at first thought it must be from a treat with my uncles when I was living in Cambridge, Ma as a teenager. However I found a similar one for sale on the web as they appear to be collectible. This led me to this thread, so I'm adding to it just for fun. I did a round trip to my then boyfriend's home in Nebraska that summer and returned via Milwaukee.
I don't remember what I ate, but it certainly was neither Reindeer nor Raccoon!
Great thing the web, isn't it?
A 3lb lobster was $6.75

Bill Frenzel said...

My grandfather was the head chef. Carl Ziegler. I remember the lions and the homemade breadsticks.

Unknown said...

Did you ever get to post and where?

Unknown said...

Hi, I know someone who has a wonderful menu from Frenchy's. If you are interested let me know.

Anonymous said...

I only went there once around 1955. I was 8 years old and a wealthy relative of ours came in town and took our family there for dinner. Yes, I remember the truly unique menu that included leg of Lion, Hippopotamus, Raccoon etc. I had Squab which is Pigeon. As I recall it was very good and I was impressed with the decor and wait staff. For those of us that were fortunate to have eaten there, keep those memories because you will never find another restaurant offering quite like Frenchy's.

Unknown said...

I am listing a "Frenchy's/Bulldog Pub matchbook online today on my eBay store site.
Anyone interested, check it out - dale302a - I have the only matchbook so key in the name and it should pop up.

Anonymous said...

I recently found a great framed piece I just love but didn't know the significance. The Frenchy's logo, "Herman & Phyllis" written above it, an actual red & white garter belt below the logo, with a wonderful painted Can~Can dancer at the bottom. It reads

il etait superb!
Merci Beaucoup

Above the dancer.

A group of signatures in pen in the bottom the right hand corner.

It hangs in my kitchen. I love it all the more after reading these posts.

Paul La Pointe said...

Always glad to hear everyone's remembrances of Frenchy's! It has been shut now for more than 40 years, but the fact that people still remember it fondly is wonderful! This summer I cleaned out and sold my parents' house in Wisconsin, and I uncovered box after box of things related to the restaurant. Including a book of recipes. Hopefully I will find time to post them on this site or another soon. Google "Frenchy's Restaurant" sometime after Novemeber, 2018, to get hold of the recipes.

Paul La Pointe (son)

Unknown said...

If you still have an old menu I would love to have one. I am your nephew, Paul's grandson, Jeff Klein (Denises son).Send me an email and let me know. Never surprises me what you can find online lol

Unknown said...

As Paul's grandson I have fond memories of going to the meat cooler and seeing a tiger.

Anonymous said...

My aunt was a waitress at Frenchy's during the 50's. She was killed by her then ex-boyfriend, answering the door of her apartment. He shot her through the door. Bam, she was gone. A great loss to our family.

Credit Loan Solution said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello, I recently purchased a water color painting titled 'Jamming at Frenchy's'. It shows a small jazz band playing surrounded by people.
I was told it was auctioned off when Frenchy's restaurant closed.
It is signed by 'Margot J'.
Does anyone have any insight to this?
I purchased it at an Antique show in Waukesha on October 5th.

Paul La Pointe said...

The painting you purchased was undoubtedly done by my sister, Margot La Pointe. Her married name was Jennings, hence Margot J. She wwas a very, very talented artist. Margot and I (and a few others) are the children of Paul La Pointe, who created and ran Frenchy's Restaurant. While I have not seen the painting, I would imagine it was done when Russ Zarling on clarinet, Erv Ullenberg on the bass, and maybe Rudy on the accordion. Is there a date on the painting?

Unknown said...

Hi Paul,

I could not find a date however the framing looks like it was done awhile back.
It is a very nice looking painting.
I am a jazz fan and have the painting hanging in my music room.

DAG999 said...

So exactly what year did FRENCHY's close? I never went there, but I remember the sign (the French maid/waitress?) and walking past it when I was in college at UWM all the time in the 70's. We were big on PIZZA MAN back then, but cannot for the life of me remember much more than seeing the sign and knowing it was too expensive for our family to go there. And as for the fire, wasn't that when BEANS and BARLEY was there, and was it in FRENCHY's and the new building or the old FRENCHY's. Was it torn down, remodeled, or?

Paul La Pointe said...

My father sold Frenchy's in in the mid-1970's, and it continued operating under different owners for a few more years after that. The original Frenchy's was in an old building on the triangular corner that was the parking lot of the "new" Frenchy's (the Beans and Barley building). The old building was torn down in about 1963, and the new building erected to the east a bit. My father decided to go back into business in the late 1970's in the old (+100 yr) barn immediately to the east, which he had purchased from the old Ruggles Marina outfit, remodeled it, and opened as Paul's Small Cafe. He ran the cafe until about 1980, when his health was seriously deteriorating (he died in July, 1981). The cafe became a bar I lbelieve (it was featured in the Bar Rescue TV program), and eventually it was torn down and is no more.

Dewey Gill said...

A friend of mine, Ron Faiola is currently working on a book about Milwaukee supper clubs and sent me a link to a recording of 'Frenchy's Boogie' by The Red Feather Trio, which I then played on my Sunday morning Big Band show on WMSE FM. This brought a flood of phone calls and memories from listeners, as well as a link to this thread (thanks, Jerry) l now wish I had the experience of eating there. You should be proud, Paul, of all the memories created by your family

sig shonholtz said...

In 1973 or 74 I traveled with David Paul Greg (the inventor of the laser video disc) and his partner Mat Urban to Milwaukee to make a presentation at the Milwaukee Wire Corporation, I was 19 years old. We were all from Los Angeles, California. I was a surfe and had never been to a real Northeastern city in the winter, and was unnerved by the snow on the ground without skiers.

After our presentation, we went to Frenchy's for lunch. I had never been to such a place. First, all the "booths" had "back doors," for easy escape, in case your wife came in and you were dining with your mistress. And if your wife did come in there was phone in the booth to give you a heads up. This was a special restaurant I was sure, in fact there was a restaurant in Los Angeles called Delmonico's which ws based on Frenchy's.

I was so moved by the menu that I took one home with me and still have it. The wild animals on the menu were really wild, such as Bengal Tiger. I wanted to order it but my father had always told me that when I was a guest at for a meal I should not order the most expensive dish. Therefore, I was torn, between a TIGER and a steak.

I took the steak out or respect, but I always wonder.....first, was it a real Bengal Tiger as opposed to perhaps and Old Lion, or Lioness? How would I actually know the difference? And, would I be able to appreciate it? What if my ordering the most expensive meal would have given the wrong impression of us "Westerners" and squashed the deal? I had no way of knowing, so I played it safe, but we did not make the deal. So, in retrospect I now think, I should have ordered the Tiger. At least now nearly 40 years later I could say "I dined on a Bengal Tiger once", before it was P.I.
Sigmund Shonholtz
Los Angeles, California

Unknown said...

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Paul La Pointe said...


It was real Bengal Tiger. I saw the frozen animal when it was delivered to the restaurant. We had purchased some of the buildings adjacent to the main restaurant building, and converted them to deep freezes and places to butcher some of the larger meat items (like the tigers and lions) that arrived. We bought all of the lions, tigers and hippos from licensed game farms, and hopefully the farms were doing the right thing back then.

As for the difference: lion has a yellow shade to the meat; tiger does not. And they do taste quite different, even though they are both felines. I went out of my way to try everything. My favorites were the Wild Boar and the Bear Steak a la Orange. Elk and Reindeer were pretty good too!

drsolo said...

I remember Suzanne La Pointe. She married and had a daughter if I remember correctly. Is she still around?

Mrs. McCarthy Juan said...


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Anonymous said...

I'm looking for dessert menu

Paul La Pointe said...

Not sure there ever was a dessert menu. As the son of the founder, I ate there many, many times, and what I recall was that the waitress described the various dessert offerings, and also took custom orders. I generally had a chocolate sundae to go with my bear steak or wild boar. Perhaps someone else who has was a waitress or worked at Frenchy's on this list can comment further.

Anonymous said...

Paul LaPoint! I have grown up hearing your name in honor of your father and our beloved Frenchy’s! I’m Britt Zarling - granddaughter of the great and talented musician - Russ Zarling. My father, also Russ Zarling, who lives in Waukesha still, would tell us stories of him growing up with Frenchy’s and my grandfather playing gigs there with Erv and others. I have great musical memories with my grandfather, who we fondly referred to as ‘Poppy Russ’ - a label that my father as grown into as I have children now of my own. The original Russ Zarling sadly passed away when I was in high school and even today, so many, many years later, I’m proud to share and see that his musical legend lives on. To the owner of the trio painting that Paul believes and I’m certain features my grandfather and his fellow trio-mates, I would love to see it - if you can take a photo of it and share, I’m sure it’s the same moment captured that I have in a black and white photo. I grew up in Waukesha and I’m so curious about that auctioned painting - my father would have loved it too. Paul - how amazing that your sister was such a talented artist. And if anyone has any photos of the Russ Zarling trio, or any rare recordings of their music, please let me know. I’m working on my collection for my children. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!

Paul La Pointe said...

Russ Zarling, Erv...I remember them all playing at Frenchy's when I was growing up! Russ' clarinet playing was amazing! You mentioned some rare recordings. There is one that I know of (well actually three songs are recorded). It's on a record called "Rare Live Cuts" ( Russ is plating clarinet, Tommy Sheridan (my piano teacher in my youth) on the piano, and Harry Lindeman on drums (whom I never met). One of their original compositions is "Frenchie's Boogie". I've got a lot of old photos taken at Frenchy's (both the old and new buildings), and a whole bunch of 16mm movies taken at the restaurant that I no longer have a working projector to run them. I think that there may be some footage of the trio, but I haven't seen the movies for a few decades. Good motivation to get them transferred to digital!

I have a very fond memory of my father driving out from Milwaukee to Elkhart where we had a cabin. He drove a big old Marathon cab at that time, and it had a lot of room in the back. The put a small piano in back - it had far fewer than 88 keys - and Russ and Erv and one of the other musicians played live music in the back seat all the way to Elkhart, especially their favorite "I won't go huntin' with you Hal, but I'll go chasin' women!". Various cars would honk as they passed us by, and we had a regular group gather around the car at a gas station where we got some gas on the way. When they played this song at Frenchy's they would substitute the name "Hal" with the name of whoever was the person being serenaded at the table. More than a little misogynistic for this day and age, but pretty funny for the people back in the '60's.

Anonymous said...

I am older now and my memory is not as good as it once was but I meet Paul in 1976 when I first came to Milwaukee and he invited me to work for him, he assigned a cook Paul Kamakaua as the my sous for my kitchen. I was downstairs but would assist when needed. I remember the art decco, brass and mirrors. Frenchy's had the best dining room and staff in the city. As for the menu I wish that I had kept a copy but I was young and follish and never thought of such things.
Desserts; I do remember a dessert list that included the mentioned ice cream sundae and several table side preparations including bananas foster, cherries jubilee and crepe Suzette. All a la Flambé.
When the restaurant was sold and closed as Frenchy's in the late 1970's (1979 I think) it was renovated and relaunched as "Rosie O'Grady's Good Time Emporium" which failed, spent some time as a record store and then was recast as "Beans and Barley" burned down but then rebuilt. The last time I spoke to Paul he was in the old stable barn which had been renovated as "Paul's Small Cafe", two seatings a night and reservations two months out. He was happy and himself, it was good to sit and talk. He was the first person that I worked for in this country and he is remembered and missed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the memories. I started going to the Bulldog in the late 60's. My girlfriend and I had mugs with our names on at the bar. Paul was great friends with my girlfriend Patty, and Paul used to have late night drinks in the restaurant after closing time. Paul even gave me a surprise Wedding dinner in the Bulldog room a week before my wedding. I miss everything about going there and my friend Patty and Paul who are both deceased but still in my memories.

Ann Johnson said...

My mother worked at Frenchy's while Dad was home and we were in bed. I remember she sometimes would come home with a tin foil swan with leftovers. We didn't have much money at all and for us to be able to eat food we NEVER thought we would, was amazing. We moved from Milwaukee in the early 70s to Indiana. When I went to college, Purdue, I wore my mom's uniform one Halloween as my costume. She had saved everything from the shoes. People were amazed that it was once a uniform and that she had to wear the high heels she did serving people in them ALL NIGHT! Oh, the memories.

Britt Zarling said...

Paul La Pointe!

I had continued to check this site for a reply for months last year and for some reason your response never showed up for me! I stopped checking last year and tonight - I was telling my son, who is now about to make his middle school band decision about which instrument to pursue, all about my grandfather Russ Zarling and his amazing clarinet skills - and I decided to search for this blog again and was thrilled to find your reply. I’m so sorry that I hadn’t seen it until now. Erv Ullenberg - I remember him too!!! I love your story about them playing in the car on the way to Elkhart - amazing and such a Zarling move !
As for the Rare Live Cuts - I had found this one as well years ago on eBay of all places - and purchased as many as I could. I’m still dying to see the artwork that the other commenter noted, painted by your sister , would be amazing to see if my grandfather is indeed featured.

Tonight my son, who’s middle name is Zarling in honor of our family, wanted to know all about his great grandfather and the legendary musician that he was.

I would love to somehow get a copy of 16mm movie footage you have of the Russ Zarling trio at frenchy’s - I bet my grandmother Tess (my daughter is named after her) is in some of it as well, and even my father — I would be happy to work with you to figure out how to digitize it!!!! Let me know PLEASE and I will share my email address for us to connect.

It’s amazing how important history becomes to you once you have children of your own. Thank you so much for helping me piece our family histories together,
Britt Zarling

Paul La Pointe said...


Just saw your post. I hadn't been back to this site for a number of months, and so apologize for not responding earlier. With regards to the 16 mm movies, I am trying to figure out how to transfer them to digital form. Once I do, I'll contact you so that i can send you a copy.
